Grievance Process
Easter Seals, as contract holder and fiscal agent for CFC 14 and CFC 16, is committed to operating both offices with transparency and accountability. To further these ends, two procedures have been created: Review Committees and a written grievance process.
- Each CFC as a functioning Review Committee comprised of key elected leadership from the Local Interagency Councils (LICs) operating within their regions. These committees quarterly review data related to incoming referrals, outgoing referrals to providers, and advise should any written grievances arise.
- Written grievances are the last step in our conflict resolution process, and should only be pursued once all previous steps described below have been attempted, and resolution not achieved. Both CFC’s operate under the principle of subsidiarity: conflicts or issues should be addressed at the lowest and most immediate levels. Only when attempts at resolution at the lowest levels have been exhausted should the process move to the next highest level.
- Conflicts with CFC staff should initially be directed to the individual involved. If resolution is not achieved, the complainant should contact the CFC manager.
- If resolution is not achieved with the CFC manager, the complainant should contact Jim Runyon, fiscal agent.
- If resolution is not achieved, the complainant should describe the issue in writing and submit to Jim Runyon to share with the appropriate review committee. Members will discuss and advise in hopes of reaching an mutually acceptable accord.
Any questions regarding the Review Committees or the grievance process should be directed to Jim Runyon at or 309-686-1177 ext. 2306.